Incredo® Sugar is a sugar reduction solution that provides anywhere between 30%-70% reduction of sugar in food and snacks such as cakes, cookies, chocolate, candy and more, with no compromise to the taste or the level of sweetness. Sounds incredo-ble? We agree. What’s even more incredible is that we don’t use anything synthetic or artificial in the process that creates lingering sweetness or aftertaste, which is commonly associated with other sweeteners. Simply put, we use real cane sugar that is structured differently and delivered to the taste receptors more efficiently. Because of this structure, the Incredo® Sugar is dissolved faster in the saliva and creates a higher concentration of sugar around the sweet taste receptors. Our brain interprets this higher concentration as more sugar in the food, which results in a delicious sugary experience with substantially less sugar.
We conduct external consumer sensory market research and daily sensory tests with a professional tasting panel.
We ask the consumers to try a variety of sweets using our Incredo® Sugar. What we have learned is that not only do we deliver on the sweetness levels at 30%-70% reduction compared to traditional white sugar, but consumers actually prefer products made with Incredo® Sugar.